Page 99 - Graveyard
P. 99

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 97

                   Friends, cease to grieve that at Gravesend
                   My life was closed with speed,
                   For when the Saviour shall descend,
                   ‘Twill be graves’ end indeed.

               274.  From a small and solitary churchyard in Kent:—

                   Here lyeth the bones of Mary Rogers, who left this world A.D. 1692;
                   she was a goode mother, wifee, and daughter:

                       Al goud people, as you pass,
                       Pray reed my hour-glass;
                       After sweets and bitters it’s down,
                       And I have left your pretty town.
                       Remember soon you must prepare to fly,
                       From all your friends, and come to high.

               275.  From the same place:—

                   This ston his  sacred to the memory of poer old Muster  Thomas
                   Boxer, who was loste in the goud boate Rouver, just coming home
                   with much fishes, got near Torbay, in the year of hour Lord 1722:

                       Prey, goud fishermen, stop and drop a tear,
                       For we have lost his company here;
                       And where he’s gone we cannot tell;
                       But we hope far from the wicked Bell.
                              The Lord be with him.

               276.  From the same place:—

                   To the memory of my four wives, who all died within the space of ten
                   years, but more pertickler to the last, Mrs. Sally Horne, who has left me
                   and four dear children: she was a good, sober, and clean soul, and may i
                   soon go to her—A.D. 1732:
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