Page 72 - Graveyard
P. 72

70 |  G r av e y ar d H u m o r

               But whaur it is none can tell
               Till Eppie rise and tell hersel’.

            183.  From Oldbury-on-Severn:—

               Pain was my portion;
               Physic was my food;
               Groans my devotion;
               Drugs did me no good.

            184.  On Robert Barras:—

               Poems and epitaphs are but stuff,
               Here lies Bob Barras, and that’s enough.

            185.  From Broom Churchyard:—

                   God be praised:
               Here is Mr. Dudley, senior,
                   And Jane his wife also,
               Who, while living was his superior,
                   But see what death can do.
               Two of his sons also lie here,
                   One Walter, t’other Joe.
               They all of them went in the year
                   1510 below.

            186.  On two Brothers:—

               Here lies two brothers by misfortune surrounded,
               One died of his wounds and the other was drownded.

            187.  On Susan Mum:—

               To the memory of Susan Mum:—
                       Silence is wisdom.
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