Page 77 - Graveyard
P. 77

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 75

                   No conquests she, but o’er herself, desired,
                   No arts essay’d, but not to be admired.
                   Passion and pride were to her soul unknown,
                   Convinc’d that virtue only is our own;
                   So unaffected, so composed a mind:
                   So firm, yet soft, so strong, yet so refin’d;
                   Heaven as its purest gold, by tortures tried:
                   The saint sustain’d it, but the woman died.

               206.  From the Unitarian Churchyard, Swansea:—

                   This humble stone, what few vain marbles can,
                   May safely say—here lies an honest man.

               207.  By Dr. Johnson on a Musician:—

                   Philips, whose touch harmonious could remove
                   The pangs of guilty power and hopeless love,
                   Rest here, distressed by poverty no more;
                   Find here, that calm thou gav’st so oft before;
                   Sleep undisturbed within this peaceful shrine,
                   Till angels wake thee with a note like thine.

               208.  On a Smoker:—

                   My pipe’s out.

               209.  From High Wycombe Churchyard.

               The following lines are on Mr. Thomas Aldridge, aged 90 years:—

                   Of no distemper,
                   Of no blast he died;
                   But fell
                   Like autumn fruit,
                   That’s mellowed long,
                   E’en wondered at,
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