Page 73 - Graveyard
P. 73

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 71

               188.  On William Beck:—

                   Here lies the body of William Beck,
                   He was thrown at a hunt and broke his neck.

               189. From St. Mary’s, Swansea. On Elizabeth, the wife of William
               Vidall, who died June 29 , 1843, aged 48 years:—

                   She was, but words are wanting to say what;
                   Think what a wife should be—and she was that.

               (See No. 4.)

               190.  From St. Mary’s, Swansea. On Evan Harris:—
                   All you that see where I do lie,
                   As you are now, so once was I.
                   As I am now, so you shall be,
                   Cut down by death, and follow me.

               (Similar to No. 14.)

               191.  On Robert Gray, Taunton Church:—

                   Taunton bore him, London bred him;
                   Piety trained him, virtue led him;
                   Earth enrich’d, Heaven caress’d him;
                   This thankful town, that mindful city,
                   Share his piety and his pity.
                   What he gave, and how he gave it,
                   Ask the poor, and you shall have it.
                   Gentle reader, Heaven may strike
                   Thy tender heart to do the like.
                   And now thy eyes have read this story,
                   Give him the praise, and Heaven the glory.
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