Page 84 - Graveyard
P. 84

82 |  G r av e y ar d H u m o r

               For what I am this cumbrous clay ensures,
               And what I was is no affair of yours.

            231.  From Cheltenham Churchyard:—

              Here lies the body of Molly Dickie, the wife of Hall Dickie, tailor:—

                   Two Great physicians first
                   My loving husband tried
                       To cure my pain
                       In vain;
                   At last he got a third,
                   And then I died.

            232.  On a man who was killed by a Pump:—

               Here lies John Adams, who received a thump,
               Right on the forehead, from the parish pump,
               Which gave him the quietus in the end,
               For many doctors did his case attend.

            233.  From St. Bride’s, near Bridgend:—

               Farewell, my dear and loving wife,
                   My children, and my friends,
               I hope in heaven to see you all
                   When all things have their ends.

            234.  From Portsmouth:—

            Here lies Jemmy Little, a carpenter industrious,
            A very good-natured man, but somewhat blusterous.
            When that his little wife his authority withstood,
            He took a little stick and banged her as he would.
            His wife now left alone, her loss does so deplore,
            She wishes Jemmy back to bang her a little more;
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