Page 81 - Graveyard
P. 81

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 79

                   The cup of life just to his lips he pressed,
                   Found the taste bitter, and resigned the rest;
                   Averse then turning from the face of day,
                   He softly sighed his little soul away.

               Note.—This epitaph, altered for a little girl, is to be found in Prittlewell
               Churchyard, near Southend.

               218.  From St. George’s, Southwark. On the young wife of a

                  She came to the Cross when her young cheek was glowing,
                  And raised to the Lord the bright glance of her eye;
                  And when o’er her beauty death’s darkness was flowing,
                  Her God then upheld her; her Saviour was nigh.

               219.  From Morville Churchyard, near Bridgenorth. On John
               Charlton, Esq.

               He  was for many  years master of  the  Wheatland  Foxhounds, and  died
               January 20 , 1843, aged 63, regretted by all that knew him:—

                   Of this world’s pleasures I have had my share,
                   And few the sorrows I was doomed to bear.
                   How oft have I enjoyed the noble chase
                   Of hounds and foxes, striving for the race;
                   But, hark! the knell of death calls me away,
                   Lo, sportsmen all, farewell! I must obey.

               220.  From Cambridge, on Mary Gwynne:—

                   Here lies the body of Mary Gwynne,
                       Who was so very pure within,
                   She cracked the shell of her earthly skin,
                       And hatched herself a cherubim.
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