Page 82 - Graveyard
P. 82

80 |  G r av e y ar d H u m o r

            221.  An Epigrammatic one, from the Catacombs of Rome:—

               Hic Verus qui semper vera locutus.

            Which may be rendered thus:—
              Here lies Verus (truth), who always spoke truly.

            221.  On a Rich Man:—

               What I spent I had; what I lent
                   I  lost; what I gave I have.

            222.  From America:—

              Died on the 11   inst, at his shop,  No. 20, Greenwich Street, Mr.
              Edward Jones, much respected by all who knew and dealt with him. As
              a man he was amiable; as a hatter upright and moderate. His virtues
              were beyond all price, and his beaver hats were only three dollars each.
              He has left a widow to deplore his loss, and a large stock to be sold
              cheap, for the benefit of his family. He was snatched to the other world
              in the prime of life, just as he had concluded an extensive purchase of
              felt, which  he got  so cheap that his widow can supply  hats at more
              reasonable rates than any house in the city. His disconsolate family will
              carry on business with punctuality.

            223.  From Brancepeth Churchyard, Durham.

            On the tombstone of a celebrated Surgeon:—

               What I was once some may relate;
               What I am now is all men’s fate;
               What I shall be none can explain
               Until He that called calls again.

            224.  From Hanwell Churchyard:—
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