Page 79 - Graveyard
P. 79

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 77

                 “This, of course,” continues the reviewer (like Gay’s heedless lines) “is
               a mere joke. Prior’s lines, ‘For my own Tombstone,’ are in better taste:—

                   “ ‘To me ‘twas giv’n to die; to thee ‘tis giv’n
                   To live. Alas! one moment sets us ev’n.
                   Mark, how impartial is the Will of Heav’n!’ ”

                 According to Chambers’ Cyclopoedia of Literature, the following are the
               exact lines that were written by Prior:—

                   Nobles and heralds, by your leave,
                       Here lies what once was Matthew Prior,
                   The son of Adam and of Eve;
                       Can Stuart or Nassau claim higher?

               210.  On Thomas Kemp, who was hanged for sheep-stealing:—

                   Here lies the body of Thomas Kemp,
                   Who lived by wool and died by hemp;
                   There’s nothing would suffice this glutton,
                   But with the fleece to steal the mutton;
                   Had he but worked and lived uprighter,
                   He’d ne’er been hung for a sheep-biter.

               211.  From the Churchyard of Creltow, Salop:—

                   On a Thursday she was born,
                   On a Thursday made a bride,
                   On a Thursday put to bed,
                   On a Thursday broke her leg, and
                   On a Thursday died.

               In reading this epitaph I am reminded of an old superstition about Friday
               being an unlucky day, and of a certain story told about a certain ship called
               Friday, built by a man who entertained no such foolish notions. I do not give the
               story, but now write an epitaph, which may be taken as strictly correct.
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