Page 61 - English
P. 61

The author of uncle Tom gives good discriptions of the people and
                   places with whom she is dealing.
               Dread is a story of the disimal swamp.
               Samuel Johnson an American writer. His writing is proved and
                   accepted, being exciting and meritorious.
               Wordsworth was an American writer whose works are such as will
                   ever be admired.
               Locke De Foe and Gibbons were all American novalists and I have
                   forgotten their works.

               Beowulf wrote the Scriptures.
               Cadmus wrote pierce ploughman.
               Adam Bede a prominent writer of his time for he threw his soul and
                   body into his writings.
               King Alfred wrote translations from the Bible and it is regarded as a
                   very fine production yes one of the finest of the period.
               Ben Jonson survived Shakespeare in some respects.
               Fox wrote a very good book of Marters.
               Ben Jonson was a Shakesperian Dramalist. He was a very rare writer
                   as one of his friends declared.
               Spenser’s Fairy queen shows the trials of a Night and the triumphs of
                   a Vertue.
               Chaucer was the father of English pottery.
               Chauser was a bland verse writer of the third century.
               Geoffrey Chaucer was a great young  boy.  His farther was lether
                   seller. As time passed on he was an extraordinary writer of his
               Geffrey Chaucer fix the date of his birth at 1340 suppose to belong to
                   the high class of people from his sir name Chausier French he
                   was armed a knight only very respectfull people could be armed
               Chaucer began his writings during the reign of Queen Anne and they
                   are deserving of merit being the first of her reign.

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