Page 62 - English
P. 62

Chaucer was  an English poet who  instructed  Queen Elizabeth  and
               she mourned greatly for him when he died. His principal Work
               was concerning the inhabitants of Bath.
            When Chaucer was 21 years of old he engaged in war. He fought
               valliantly and was unharmed. He also wrote a great many other
               works on Fowl.
            Chaucer displays his fame which shall always be distinguished from
               time immemoriable. His satyrical stanzas are deep and show that
               we have found a  man of value. The Canterbury Tales are
               undertaken by several  journeymen. The  Jolly Man was  the
               amusement for the multitude. We had 32 going on the journey
               but each had no time to Tell a Tale, so they did not tell tales.
            King Arthur was to flourish as magnificence in Canterbury Tails.
            Peter Simple was one of the Canterbury Tales.
            In the Canterbury Tale it gave account of king Alfred on his way to
               the shrine of Thomas Bucket.
            The Canterbury Tales are 24 volums. It concists or happens in an In
               in Canterberry and the people which is not uncustomary.
            In the Canterbury Tales the Night of Fextivity arrives and each
               contributes by singeing or resitation. He  is Inspired by angels
               who bids him sing of the origan of Man.
            Now Chaucer must have  been a very  keen intelligent man to thus
               class various characters and put them in their right place as to
               have harmony. His mind was always planning.
            Chaucer we find him gazing at his empty purse and apostrophizing it
               in despare and in terms that show his abject poverty.
            Samson Augusta was one of Chaucer’s principal works as it
               contained his  life giving a full account of it. He  also wrote
               something about Paradise.
            Chaucer was succeeded  by H. Wads.  Longfellow an American
               Writer. His writings were chiefly prose and nearly one hundred
               years elapsed.
            Shakespere is an English author who is uncomputed.
            Shakespeare was a fiction and allegorical writer. His father married a
               lady of means  but  they became greatly reserved  in

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