Page 63 - English
P. 63

circumstances. His most intimate friend was Ben Butler who was
                   also a great fiction writer.
               Shakespears translated  the Scriptures and it was called St.  James
                   because he did it.
               Shakespere wrote Mackbeth, Orthello and Merchant of Vennice, it is
                   a wealthy Jew and Arabella has many suters.
               Hamlet  one  of  Shakespeares  best  Tragedies  in  which  Romeo  and
                   Juliet are the principal characters. It is a didactic poem.
               Hamlet set to the stage by so many eminent artists bears strongly the
                   character and mind of the writer. It has been judged not much
                   over much and still holds the palm.
               In the play of Hamlet Shakespere tries to show how brewing over
                   trouble makes people insane.
               In Hamlet the king gave a gladitorial combat in which Hamlet and
                   Laertes is to take part. They all lie dead in the arena.
               The soliloquies of Hamlet throughout the play are notorious.
               Hamlet is very famous for the piece he used to speak about to be or
                   not to be.
               The play of Julius Cresar consists of five acts each act being a Sene.
                   He being the center around which all the rest are concerned is the
                   main character.
               King Lear is a play where King Lear has three daughters and is very
               The merchant of Venice is old Shylock who lives in Venice.
               Macbeth was terrified by the ghost of Bancroft.
               Amanda was the heroine of the Tempest.
               Shakespeare’s sonnits are on my blindness and ode to Imortallity.
               Frances Bacon was born in England and was a chemist, being of a
                   very experimenting sort of nature. He was a friar or Monk.
               Bacon wrote many things in defense of philosophy and was received
                   by the people. He also wrote a great many histories of all the
               Some of the folks say that Lord Bacon wrote a good many of
                   Shakespeare’s plays for him.
               Francis Bacon wrote under the name of Ovum Organum.

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