Page 39 - Graveyard
P. 39

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 37

               62.  On Dr. Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury.

               He was of a very covetous disposition—a fact that appears not to have
               been overlooked in writing his epitaph:—

                   Here lies his Grace, in cold clay clad,
                   Who died for want of what he had.

               63.  From Chichester Cathedral. On a Crier of Periwinkles:—

                   “Periwinks, Periwinkles!” was ever her cry;
                   She laboured to live, poor and honest to die.
                   At the last day again how her old eyes will twinkle!
                   For no more will she cry, “Periwinks, Periwinkle!”
                   Ye rich, to virtuous want regard pray give;
                   Ye poor, by her example, learn to live.
                          Died Jan. 1, 1786, Aged 77.

               64.  On Miss Long:—

               She was  a beautiful  young  lady, but  so short that she  was, when alive,
               called the “Pocket Venus.” The epitaph concluded, alluding to her when

                  Though Long, yet short,
                  Though short, yet pretty Long.

               65.  From St. Paul’s, Covent Garden. On Mr. James Worsdale:—

                   Eager to get, but not to keep the pelf,
                   A friend to all mankind—except himself.

               As a contrast to this we submit the following:—

               66.  On a Miser:—
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