Page 38 - Graveyard
P. 38

36 |  G r av e y ar d H u m o r

            57.  From a Welsh Churchyard:—

               Two lovely babes lie buried here,
               As ever bless’d their parents dear;
               But they were seized with ague fits,
               And here they lie as dead as nits.

            58.  On Daniel Saul, formerly in St. Dunstan’s, Stepney:—

               Here lies the body of Daniel Saul,
               Spitalfields weaver—and that’s all.

            A similar couplet is to be found in Addison’s Spectator:—

               Here lies John Hall,
               Spitalfields weaver—and that’s all.

            59.  From a Graveyard near Birmingham:—

               Oh, cruel Death! why wert thou so unkind,
               To take the one, and leave the other behind?
               Thou should’st have taken both or neither,
               Which would have been more agreeable to the survivor.

            60.  From Grantham Churchyard:—

               John Palfryman, which lieth here,
               as aged twenty-four year;
               And near this place his mother lies,
               Also his father when he dies.

            61. From a Churchyard near Salisbury:—

               Oh! Sun, Moon, Stars, and ye celestial Poles!
               Are graves, then, dwindled into Button-holes?
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