Page 40 - Graveyard
P. 40

38 |  G r av e y ar d H u m o r

               Here lies old Sparges,
               Who died to save charges.

            67.  On Robert Burns.

            Robert Burns was born on the 25  of January, 1759, on the banks of the
            Doon, about two miles from Ayr. He died at Dumfries on the 21  of July,
            1796, aged 37 years and about 6 months, leaving a widow and four sons.
            The following is his epitaph:—

               Consigned to earth, here rests the lifeless clay,
                   Which once a vital spark from Heaven inspired!
               The lamp of genius shone full bright as day,
                   Then left the world to mourn its light retired.
               While beams that splendid orb which lights the spheres,
                   While mountain streams descend to swell the main,
               While changeful seasons mark the rolling years—
                   Thy fame, O Burns, let Scotia still retain.

            68.  From Barton Stacey Churchyard, Hants. On Mr. John Collince:—

               Where ‘twas I liv’d or dy’d, it matters not;
                   To whom related, or by whom begot;
               I was, but am not; ask no more of me;
                   It’s all I am, and all that you must be.

            69.  On a Country Sexton:—

               He that carried many a body brave,
               Was carried by a fever to the grave;
               He carried, and was carried; that’s even:
               Lord! make him Porter to the gates of Heaven!

            70.  From Bishop Cumming’s Churchyard, Wilts:—

               At my right hand lies my son John,
                   As we did lay in bed;
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