Page 41 - Graveyard
P. 41

G r av e y ar d H u m o r  | 39

                   And there do lay till Christ do say,
                       “Come out ye dead.”

               71.  On a Famous Boxer:—

                   Death took him in the UPPER VIEW,
                       And gave him such a BRACE;
                   The grapple turn’d him black and blue,
                       And made him shift his place.
                   PARTS OF ACCESS he next assailed,
                       With such a KNOCK-DOWN BLOW
                   As never yet to mortals fail’d
                       A total overthrow.

               72.  On the Wife of Dr. Greenwood.

               Mrs. Greenwood was buried in Southampton Churchyard, the following
               very singular lines having been written upon her by her husband:—

                   O cruel Death! thou hast cut down
                   The fairest Green-Wood in all this kingdom.
                   Her virtue and her piety were such,
                   That really she deserved a Lord or a Judge:
                   Yet such was her humility,
                   That she rather chose me, a Doctor in Divinity;
                   For which heroic action, join’d to all the rest,
                   She deserves to be esteemed the Phœnix of her sex;
                   And like that bird her young she did beget,
                   That those she left behind might not be disconsolate.
                   And now, my grief for this good woman is so sore,
                   That really I can write but four lines more.
                   For this and for another good woman’s sake,
                   Never let a blister be applied to a lying-in woman’s   neck,
                   For in all diseases of the bladder and the womb,
                   It never fails to bring the patient to the tomb.
                                     —Dr. Greenwood fecit.
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